Nevada State Journal from Reno, Nevada (2024)

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Nevada State Journali

Reno, Nevada

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ft Nevada Slate Joimial 'Incom Mw Sunday July 2d 11)73 Complete Mutual 794 7M 794 I' 49 unds 1361 13 fti 14 326 4 63 373 362 3734 946 948 01 Net 01 1 High Low Leet Chg 12 65 01 23 286 133 07 STANDARD 49 XYz 305 Inv Tr Bos OOTNOTES in hundreds (00) omitted except for I hose sales 34 414 07 67 1 04 33 Tria Pac 30 5 45 517 40 1363 1325 1363 70 2130 MAKE EVERY DROP COUNT 10 valley and least in the population 20' 830 42 5iTa Pacific Power Company 1577 idelity undi: 164 Week's Year's Stock Ranges 1309 1279 1309 X1460 1451 1460 26 29 452500 449600 428900 427300 413000 18 17 95 299 96 106 489 lfi00 1015 Impril Cap Impril Gth Inc Am 943 865 494 974 7174 1326 7 85 803 1145 1522 621 540 815 715 323 1371 869 890 1260 708 780 952 967 1340 677 674 1083 1007 1214 16 39 49 620 559 419 955 22 14 09 21 57 23 10 26 14 30 Indual 20 Trani 15 Villa 65 Slock 8 50 3X8 81 36 224 5135 028 83626420 73168640 9 14 867 476 356 609 4 67 659 668 1584 1096 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday riday Totals 1555 659 1363 549 857 x21ll 1041 X1515 x297 119 137 1041 1515 USM Cp60 USM pflua USM pf210 Utah Inti 44 UtahPL2O8 UV Ind la 18 19 51 8 17 28 10 2223 1 70 638 New York Storks New York Bonds American Stocks Midwest Stocks 1048 34 794 10 890 57 1026 57 DID Dec 442 373 1044 914 Inch 1M nz 208 186 22 2 98 4 17 31 5 12 18 1 lft 28 4 1 44 4 2 27 4 2 663 4 23 1716 baalcyn Stale Bond Group CmStd Diversf Progrss St rGr (v St rln (v) StateSt (a 02 899 27 502 11 Vr An 10151)1 000 IS 351455 120000 '0 4 1071 373 16 6H 18'4 48 11 low 17A 18 30 10 51 497 4 06 1532 50 1058 52 17 4 48 1 41 1 701 3 14 25 19 55 64 68 17 18 27 42 37 19 25 50 35 05 776 778 1130 52 10 2660 107 80 76 180 39 34 13 CL) CL) 18 1 23 22 12 12 19 66 21 99 110 25 30 31 17 974717 i 2 10 28 3'4 7293 53 85 66 76 8975 8136 51 07 (fed 942 80 577 169 47 4 1178 168 638 12 425 Industrials 15 Railroads 60 Utilities 500 Stocks 10 10 25 8 49' 1 27 4 1 16 21 I WHAT Wk Ended July 20 1973 July 13 1973 July 21 1972 July 23 1971 7 85 11 803 42 1115 4 25 34 18 9 36 72 27 52 53 12 7290 Xl 41 1016 M3 183 1747 5 10 2072 2111 1003 1475 723 259 549 737 14 270 i 17 566 21 730 1001 985 1370 695 702 1122 1007 156 4 19 2 11 21 3 18 2 24 1 13 1 36 141 123 20 1 19 K4 42 134 50 2 3 20 1 52 2 5234' 5 68 6 20 23 4 17 4 1 17 4 1 59 4 2 16 1 18 19 20 15 17H) 34 20 18 23 58 67 73 100 102 104 114 19 22 28 13 13 11 29 9 10 15 21 Past Wk 1 2920360 1 8751840 1701 1950 18643090 16299180 83626420 15 20 9 10 19 54 63 66 94 94 08 6 61 36 604 11 445 22 975 12 1371 869 890 48 1260 32 RevcoDS28 6 Revere CfcR 56 Revlon 108 3 Rexham Cp 19 Rexnrd 104 34 Rexn pf236 41 Rey Ind 259 40 Reyln pf 2 12 Rey Mel 40 53 ReyMtpf4 38 ReyM pf2 8 ReynSec 50 11 Rlchr Co 80 65 RlchMel04 16 RlchmndCp 12 Ridder 32 14 RlegelTexl 93 RloGr In 60 10 RloGr pf 80 20 Rile Aid 10 17 Rivlana 86 5 RoanSt 55b 18 Robshaw 76 17 Hobrtsn 110 28 RobinAH22 20 RochGsl24 20 Roch Tel 70 9 Rockowr28 Rockwll 160 68 Rock pf 434 22 Rock pf 135 78 RohmHsM 12 Rohr Ind 80 14 Rolllnsln18 5 Ronson 20g 18 Roper Cpl 27 Rorer A 76 18 Rosario 30 21 RoyalCC58 38 RoylD108b 5 Royal Indst 8 RTECp04b 74 Rubbmd64 43g Rucker Co 13 RussTog70 31 RyderSy30 68 80 101 63 6 10 32 9 18 23 12 40 41 9 34 25 27 15 1555 659 1363 1311 549 857 742 326 65 32 11 49 27 271 17 21 32 7 17 51 32 70 23 21 19 60 21 8 26 7' 22 85 97 33 88 24 24 62 M4 54 1 18 2 13 20 5 17 2 6 Mi ect Cap Dud Cx (v) Drexel (v) Dreyfus Group Dreyfd Eqty Drevf Lv Spl Incrn Th!) Un AEMull Eagle Gtii Eaton Howard: Bainrd Growth Income Spec nd Stock Ebersladt EDIE (v) EPC Management Eqty Gth Eqty frg nd Amr EGRET Elfun Trsl Emerg Sec Energy tv) alrfld armH tv) ed RgRea 13 7 12 22 19 XI073 373 1483 1462 1483 30 51 32 69 23 15 52 4 15 IS 9 TappanC 40 9 Technlcon 29 TeklronlOb 4 Telecor241) 11 Teledyne 31 69 Teledyn pf 6 12 Telepromp 2 Telex Corp 13 Temple 32 21 Teneco 136 3 TennecAwl Tenec pf5 Tesoro Pet Texaco 172 TexETr 158 12 86 1329 i 478 994 449 05 07 33 01 31 99 111 nn 9 18 13 30 1286 132'J 4 78 894 1 19 Tun da Adv 1 355 J412 667 702 23 4 9 11 8 17 21 2 29 25 211 2 63 30 14 14 49 IX) 110 99 47 37 31 58 X376 873 xR32 407 407 403 356 1318 15 2052 2106 71 683 849 1702 1711 13 782 795 26 839 845 10 2376 2430 97 708 32 883 43 15 1 4 23 1 22 12 1 12 11 19 60 21 1 9 27 1 See 555 pm THURSDAYS Ch 8 KOLOJV How to Plan Your Weekend 9 1 21 11 470 10 703 4 06 583 08 410 12 1138 1120 741 28 583 32 7 4 4 New Era 1 Nw Horz PRO (v) Provident Provdr Gt PruSlP I i undi: Convert Equltle George i Growth 1 Income Inveafr Vista Voyage i Reverpfd Rlnfrel SafecoEqu Sagltar (vj Scnuaird Schuitr Sp Scudder undi Intarfnv Bain (v) Corn (v) Sped fv) Seabd Lev Security unds: Equity Invest Ultra Selected unds: Amer Sh Opport Special Sentinl Gw Sentry Shareholders Group: ConwUc Enlrprs letc Harbor Legal Lt Pace Shearion unds: Apprec Income Invest ShrmD tv Side und Sigma unds: Caplll Sh InvPStSh Trust Sh Venture SmlthB (v) (v) SoGennd Snwest Inv Sowlnv gw Sovem Inv Spectra SAPIntDy All designated which are traded in 10 share lots and carried in full DIVIDENDS: are annual unless other wise Identified (a plus extra (b) declared or paid so far this year no regular rate (c) payment on accumulated dividends (d) paid last year (e) cash plus stock (g) annual rate plus stock dividend (h) paid this latest dividend omitted (J) per cent in stock paid in 1972 (X) per cent In stock paid in 1973 (q) in bankruptcy receivership nr reorganization (s) capital distribution lx) exdividend (wi) when Issued (wt) warrants (H) indicates new high for the year (L) indicates now low for the year 376 873 06 832 407i 17 1YT3 rflgh I 54 9 74 6 29 465 81 Mi ah 23 20 53 19 20 78 34 40 Bd 1st RRs 2nd RRl UtiU Indusl Inc RR Thii utock volume Volume week ago ACTIVE STOCKS High 20 9A 19 33 020105082978 49 29 3 32 7 11 957 701 1326 1315 26 12 8 11 21 17 13 43 27 19 22 26 10 13 20 14 13 30 13 201'b 4 81 897 578 403 1136 1007 721 566 1576 1083 1668 1686 949 969 468 497 830 876 1284 1360 111 1338 1356 27 1226 125M 42 1523 1655183 1533 1534 04 621 641 31 738 758 26 1149 1163 18 1626 1648 712 598 4 2328 4 1149 775 39 421 454 361 612 763 642 525 Low 154 255 395 139 24 30 8 112 43 43l 61 40 39 27 (H) 39 23 34 25 31 34 44 34 22 101 21 24 12 2 39 63 42 25 9 24 30 23 46 17 69 17 128 23 15 43 42 29 15 40 50 14 34 36 37 16 21 25 57 34 82 89 1534 12 25 Open 7373 54 15 11688 9062 8327 5107 19 2 38V 45 3 15 2 13 30 3 1003 25 501 53 488 14 69 80 2 105 1 10 34 1 1 0 1 20 2 23 42 9 35 272 28 16 12 9 35 4 20 9 371 73 1 24 17 42 13 233 7 19 13 21 15 23 42 8 2 f2 16 38 42 12 12 27 96 24 49 53 39 4 70 703 883 4 101173 1 120 741 650 636 850 20 303 301 303 03 982 973 982 09 1062 1042 1062 32 y93 20 11 15 22 Audax nd Axt Houghlfln: und A und Stock Axe Sela BlC Gwth Babson G) Bayrock Bayrok Gr Reaclll (V) Heacnl (v) Berger tv) BerkshGw Bnndtk Cp Bos ound Brown nd Bullock Calvin Bullock Canndn Div Shrs Ntwide NY Vent Hurnm und apTrnlty Century Sh Channing undi: naianr Bond Com Stk Growth Income Special Venture Chair Group of nd Bost ront Cp ShTr Boa Special 1115 751 398 439 348 596 712 630 503 100 3 3 391 15 1 9 13 IVb 52 1 32 17 19 35 IVb 64 1 672 877 866 599 842 19 1016 41 1121 76 254 28 379 14 913 878 96 2 38 14 9 12V 49 32 10 17 18 34 64 22 11 28 8 Vi 24 70 85 59 37 59 241 24 84 19 19 17 16 14 10 36 52 46 38 26 16 44 51 59 100 37 4934 59 11 29Vg 11 103 2 29 9 13 8 9 25 30 6 183 19 9 WEEKLY BALES Past Wk 8362642083200700 11477690 4680000 514 483 455 918 4709 4561 Steadman und (v) Am Ind Assoc Jnves Stein Roe unds Bain Cv) Capit (v) Slock (v SIS Group Growth Income Summit Technol Syncrod TMR Appr TpltnGrCa Tower Cap TYans Cap Travl Equ Tudor (v) ZOthCenGr 20th Cenin Un Mutual Unifund In Union Service Group: nra bt iv Natl Invs Un Capit Whitehl United unds: Accuml Bond ContGwt Cont Inc Income Science Vangrd USAA v) US GvtS Value Line unds: Vai Line 487 24 324 16 498 26 472 21 935 19 4709229 24 41 80 65Vz 4712632406 39 56 on Wi 20 17 12 56 40 37 23 36 24V 25 171 32 82 116 7 32 31 31 45 45 121 13 92 6 18 44 1 66 1'A 1230 49 822 27 634 28 11 38 38 516 46 690 51 44 42 26 06 (lrr'' Weklv Compel hftwn 17' Zi 27 '1 NASO by lh 2 354 2761 152 517 366 Z30 XZ20 XZ310 2 787 841 422 658 97 288 881 Z930 220 450 491 49 205 396 159 17 59 194 126 444 100 67 29 567 28 246 455 44 392 740 588 40 '327 775 489 589 58 219 2 252 54 1705 2111 584 1278 51 108 Z50 15 549 229 261 2 59 23 85 59 1 37 3 59 1 24 AS 24 1 57 4 1 89 2 10 57 9 53z 6 24 4 4 55 IWi 61 583 25 46 1 3i 86 67 i 38 114 29 55 55 56 90 91 110 66 9 11 44 16 25 28 14 49 49 10 371 35 35 21 1413 44 44 15 55 41 17 33 10 25 48 31 33 50 14 353 11 33 21 19 12 37 "62 15 17 16 16 12 9 35 52 39 36 24 5 16 44 51 58 99 5 35 46 57 10Vs 25 11 100 2 28Vi 7 12 8 8 21 29 5 12 17 18 8 1 13 39 26 18 21 8 12 17 14 29 12 19 4 25 29 7 80 12 25 Admiralty unds: Growth Inrnme Inauran Advlaer Aetna nd Aetjna InSh Afutur (v) AGE und Allstate Alpha nd Amcap AmDIv inv Am Equity American Express Capital Income Invest Spec nd Stock Am Grwth Am Inelnd Amlnv tv Am Mutual AmNal Gw Anchor Group Cap nd und fnv Growth Income Venture Wa Natl Astron nd 1128 27 1333 52 1341 15 1327 54 1456 I 221 1177 532 10 68 1399 990 768 449 482 895 1516 190 989 49 Cbmp Hm 452500 Syntcx 384000 100 Me Cull 011 370600 Ta Bowmr Ins 258200 37 a utc is 24 6 14 1 17 14 30 1 15 65 4 3 47 22 25 16 20 18 20V 2 6 17 3 21 20 39 43 497 1532 105ft 931 1135 1120 4 26 483 975 327 unds 1301 2208 368 995 1094 976 'X1020 1 110 1376 4 48 4 29 8 20 22 11 24 36 1 15 21 18 33 1 51 30 37 Ua V4 26 17 2 COMPARATIVE stock volume rrev Wk 1558870 15044750 18726600 16401010 1 1389110 73168640 5 719 59 380 17 360 216 95 40 458 58 226 812 158 248 31 212 2050 51 32 70 24 16 55 18 13 20 18 8 14 16 15 61 30 1236 12 97 459 9U 431 367 052 Keystone Cuslndlan undtt IHM 1 9 61 826 712 5 no 2328 2295 1149 775 4 21 454 361 612 763 642 525 29 23 98 13 31 12 18 18 28 38 27 '4 66 23 18 1 13 58 44 96 33 22 01) 2518 34 33 12 20 37 39 1335 78 16 54 43 27 22 41 335 10 1577 288 87 29 59 280 45 ds: X1600 1096 1686 969 497 876 1360 1356 1251 1655 1535 641 758 1163 X1648 719 15 758 33 729 41 460 I 80 02 611 15 391 13 347 24 773 II 03 30 10 15 20 10 1 14 1 3 19 0249441847783258152018 197 37 417 772 226 126 80 128 X628 210 186 209 100 2296 100 571 99 614 18 9 343 191 395 83 114 424 507 170 285 552 65 210 109 207 905 730 783 1001 985 1370 695 702 1122 1007 1344 843 853 1239 360166095230396301 115 540 93 27 75 398 368 70 181 20 372 117 590 65 557 70 219 28 2 112 165 233 1575 924 66 1196 387 1016 371 130 181 213 238 785 315 120 74 101 3252 253 57 108 1576 3904520286207549213121 2959 504 88 38 178 86 113 163 79 669 780 Z270 Z6W Z130 ZlfiO 1410 Z180 271 64 84 108 z50 79 10 159 104 55 22 51 76 733 99 344 "11 2583 991072125540391222 414 407 363 1343 2106 708 883 1711 795 886 476 361 616 472 669 683 661 604 445 975 1979 1923 1979 34 941 899 502 886 477 361 616 472 669 683 487 524 498 472 935 611 26 819 17 875 610631 632 844 862 584 833 991 1063 233 370 878 870 710 739 707 457 157 6 00 3 86 5 32 7 16 10 84 1051 1086 48 1882 1950 8 2 7 09 5 83 34 33 22 19 21 11 37 55 48 51 41 10 18 49 57 62 106 27 41 54V4 70 13 40 16 106 7 46 12 15 10 15 31 34 9 28 23 13 2 273i 44 39 24 2734 30 25 21 35 20 23 7 30 34 13 35 25 an 16 Vi CH) 14 23 20 33 46 38 28 71 24 1048 794 890 1026 1100 1230 822 634 1138 516 690 19 50 46 61 18 55 19 19 15 16 56 15 18 13 4 44 26 7 20 33 21 10 23 35 14 2 It7 18 33 45V 39 51 30 35 6 24 14 11 8 21 11 3 Safgardlnd 27 Safewv 140 24 StJoMlnl 15StJoLtP112 32 StLSan2 (I) StPaulS 63b 3IP4 StRegls 160 6 SalantCp24 16 SanDGs 120 14 SanJRa 10k 6 Sander Assn 9 Sang Ele 60 22 Saf In 160a 7 Seln pf 50 43 SaeIntl30 5 SargWel30 (I) SaulB 77b 14 SavEIP112 17 SavElA134 5 Sav A St 24 7 SavinBMch 6 SvOnDrl2b 5 Saxon Indus 5 SCA Service 5 Schaefer Cp 71 Schering Pl 53 SchlltzB59 82 Schlumb 50 10 SCM Crp40 5 SCOAInd60 9 Scot Lad 58 24 Scott tz88 8 Scottor 60 11 ScottPap56 17 ScovlllM75 44 Scovll pf 2 6 ScudderDV 8 Scud pf 47b 21 SbCoast220 4SeaWAir5k 8 Seagrv 25e 16 Seal Pwr 72 27 Searle GD 91 Sears 140a 1 Seatrain Lin 35 SEDCO 08 12 Servomn52 7 Shakesp 28 10 10 45 SheUO11240 8 ShellerG 56 15 Shellrpf 140 17 Shellrpf 135 34 Sherwin 2 59 ShrW pf 440 5 (L) SierraPc 86 15 15 SlgnalCopfl 36 SigCopf220 43 Signode 79 2 Simm Prec 17 SlmnsCo88 42 SlmpPat30 44 SlngerC240 58 Slngerpf3 (L) SkaggCn 40 55 Skelly Olli (L) SkllCorp 90 13 SkyllnCp24 14 SmithAO78 15 Smithlnt22 Smlthkllne2 15 Smiths 40 18 Smucker80 12 Sola Bas 56 4 Sonestalntl 38 SonyCp 05b 25 Soo Ln 162b 6 SOS Cns27 19 SCarEl 143 32 SCarEpf2 20 SoJ Ind 156 10 Southdown (L) Sdwn pf 180 32 Soest Bk76 14 Soes IPS 1 28L) SCalEdl56 18 SouthCol34 32 Sol nGE 208 45 SoN tfte 75b 37 SoNETl 272 SNE lpi JHZ SoPaclf216 611 619 875 631 672 877 866 599 8 42 1016 1121 254 379 913 878 83 24 (L) (L) 22 TxGasT 164 CL) TxGsTpfl 17 Texaslndlg 83 Texinstr 56 13 TexasOilOl 16 Tx PLT54b 28 TexUtil 104 17V' Texsgulf60 15 Texfl Indust 16 Textron 96 28 Textrpf208 20 TextrpfL4O 8 Thlokol 50 7934 ThBettsl12 (L) Thomln 40g 14 ThompJWl 634 ThriftyD37 21 TI Corp 140 23 TideMar52 29 Time In 190 16 Times M30 33 Tlmkn 180a 15 Tishmn 40g 5 Tobin Pack 12 ToddSh 20h 27 Tol Ed 192 14 TonkaCp40 17 TooLResc5k (I) TootaRI 40g 3634 TraneCo96 103i Tr ns am 55 83 Trans pf4 19R4 Trnslnc 90b 0) TrnscLln 43 26 TranUnl33 18 Trans Air 22 TWA pf50h 634 Trans Wn 26 Travelers 1 Travlrspf 2 4 TravLdg 25 25 TriCon 241b 32 TrlCtl pf 2 27 Tri So216b 11 Triangln80 12 16 Trlnltyln56 16 Tropicana TRW In 104 a) TRW pf 4 60 TRW pr440 12 TucsonG 78 6 TwCx05b 11 Tyler Cn20 15 UALIncorp 16 UALpfA40 153g Uarco 110 (L) UGI Cpl32 11 UMC Ind 78 8 Unarco 140 ij UnilLld85b 45 UniNV 115b 35 UCampl08 33 UnCarb 210 CL) Un Com 133 4 Union Corp 16 Un Elec 128 44 Un El pf 3 (L) Un Elec pf 4 (L) Un EIpf4 (L) Un Elec pf 8 4 Un idelity 34 UnOCal 160 46Vk UnOlCpf2 51 Un Pac216 9 Pac pf 47 24 Unamer 84 10 Uniroyal 70 100 Uniroyalpf8 1 Unlshopsln 26 Aircrl80 6 Utd Brands 12 UnBr pf 120 7 UnCorp 47b 6 Un in Corp 19 Un Gas 84 29Vs Unltniu224 5 UnIndCp32 10 Utd Inns 10 17 UnJsyB104 17UtdMM130 6 Un Nuclear 1 Utd PkCMn 12 UnRefng32 37 USidel240 25 USoS 577b 17 USrhtl40 20 US Gyp 160 23 USGypf 180 7 USHome16 10 US Indus 65 15 US Lea 20 12 US Rltyl36 GJ US Shoe 95 283fiUSSteell6O IPkUSTob 76 17UnlTel 1 UnITel wta 24 UnITelpf 1 26 6 UnltrodeCp UvlLeaf 164 16 UnlvOllPrn Upjohn 88 11 UrlsBldg 40 USI1E 28 llUSLIc49b 15 26 39 34 23 66 UVlndpf5 20 UVlnpf 126 9 Varlan Asso VCA Cp 44 23 Veedrlnl60 7 Vendo 201) 7 Vcnlccln20 14 Vestaur 641) 20 Corp 61 9 Viacom Int 9 VictorCC50 18 Va Elec 118 a) VaEPpf420 63 VaElpf48O 66Vi VaElec pf 5 93 VaEl pf 720 0) VaEl pf 7 15 Vap(J772 110 VaElpf884 7tk Vornado 7k 16 VSI Corp 52 22 VulcnM 140 VWH un4B 50 WaRRpf4 29Va Wach Cp62 63 Wachpf220 21 WacR1184h 15 Walgreen 1 49 WalkH 1 20a 14 Wall Bus 40 11 WallMur 60 14 Wai Mat St 12 Wang Ward owls 12 War naco80 28 Warncpfl 13 WarnCni 40 57 Wa('mpf4 26 WaCmpf 1 10 Warnrto50 45 Warn tamh 22 WarnerSw I WashGs 188 14 Wash Stl88 20 Wash 141 Jfltn Watkins Jan Wayne 60 17V1 Waynpf 1 60 3 WeanUn Inc 7 Wesn Unpf 7 Weather 40 4 WrbbDelCp 9 WellMcL50 12 WobMkt50 1 Welblll Cp 19 Wells gflfl 20 WelMll61l 9 WelhltGGO 10 Woaco 2 17 WstcatTr 75 59 WI'rPpf4 19 120 6 Wat Air 1IM 25 Wsllancl40 6 Wat Itar Ind 18 WUnlon 140 68 WeslUn pffi 65 WUnpf490 58 'A WUnpf4 80 31 Weslg El 97 a) WtElpf3 80 l9W(vsr 105 24 Weyenhl28 44 Weyerha 46 Weyrpf3 DOW JONES BOND AVERAGES Low love hr 72 9 Oji!) 53 0 43 0 01 689 657 689 1163 1141 1163 25 924 872 924 58 896 882 896 25 1288 1273 1288 27 593 807 845 719 758 729 1M I 81 614 391 547 773 II 03 10W 39 28 42 48 04 21 1128 1333 1341 1327 1456 221 1177 532 1068 1399 990 768 449482 895 1516 190 9 89 998 1029 734 689 991 772 722 515 251 24 673 654 1029 1010 1029 312 301 312 7 44' 30 17 46 15 46 10 20 23 18 17 34 9 58 8 17 16 18 17 13 14 27 10 68 (H) 18 9 21 44 13 16 28 69 9 8 52 12 15 29 39 123 9 64 26 12 22 59 35 23 24 34 51 85 10 15 22 20 GD 5 28 60 73 26 69 44 33 22 23 GD 23 25 31 6 57Vi 31 10 25 35 24 20 35 38 17 28 20 40 45 53 44 50 7t 33 32 14 11 GD 4 8 51 50 19 1115 1305 1332 1299 14 00 218 1120 514 1035 1376 961 761 434 468 8 86 11 80 189 952 J31 977 760 697 505 234 656 637 08070814 27 366 870 795 398 4746 35 09 13 43 25 02 20 28 1064 300 1025 789 845 988 1085 1095 10 1191 800 615 1144 476 653 MOST ACTIVE AMERICAN Sales High Low Close Cbg 7 1 18 100 12 6 Tl ta a tV s' Vi4 5 tv Grth 1 0J SplSItu 3M Vance Banders unds invests Com Special Vanderblt Vanguard Vantage Varied Ind Viking Gth Wall Grth WashMutl Welngn (v) Wellington Group 50 28 42 01 57 55 16 2930161965 15930 181 42 13 238 8 16 2 22 8 24 41 11 2 High 73T3 54 15 6896 9026 8327 51 35 36262121692127 36 50 31 40 62 1235 43726428 482461272113073426 251394859 08 1121 4108 1121 29 Investors Counsel unds: Capam 7J7 Capltl Iv 270 CapltlSh 566 Investors Group unds: tub utn IDSnwD IDS prog Mutual Stock Selectv Var Pay Inv Resrch 1 I Group Growth Income Trust uts Trust shr Lslel und Ivynd (v) JP Growth Janus nd JHanc GthHan Sig Johnst Cv) 493479 442138 47 07 53 74 51 29So Ralll 72 6 SoRallpf 50 24 SoUnGsl36 (L) Southld 24g 6 SwstAlrm3l 7 SwstEorest d) Sworpf 1 11 Sows 82 5 Sparton 20a 15 Sperry Hull 36 SperryHpf 3 35 Sp Rand 66 11 Sprague El 12 SprngMl 60 23 Square I) la 93 Squibb 156 23 Staley 140 48 St Brndl73 51 SldBrpf 350 MHiainiZD Sid Inti 40 Sid Oil Cal 3 StdOInd 249 84 StdOhlo270 63 StdOh pf3 6 SI PrSllirt) 10 St Pnid 66 30 StanWks 84 8Stanray 60 16 Starrett 80 21 StMllv 189b G) Stauffer 190 41 Stffr pr 180 7 Starch! 48g 31 Strrll)rg5A 24' Stevens 1 26 StewWn 185 14 Slokoly Vn 1 12 pf 1 8 StoneCnl JO 32 StoneW 621) 15 Storct Brd 1 7H StrldeH It 85 32 StudeW 132 (I) StudeW pf 5 StuW pf 140 2 Suave SKI) 35 SubProp 80 6 SitCresl Cp 4 Sun Chm 10 Sun Oil Col 4 1 SunOllpf 2 JO Snnlrem 90 15 Sunstrnd 6u 40 Sunatipf 3 9 SunshlueMI 213 011 1 40 Mi SiiprrGn 20 18 Stin of 130 (14 Supr Vai 76 19 Survl il25b J4 Stilrn Mt 80 7 Swank Alta 70 Kybron 64 40 Hybrnpf240 7 Systronlxin 22 TaftHcatlW 10 Talcoil 37h 9 Tilley 30b 10 Talley of 1 18 TampaE 88 15 Tandy Corp lose Chr 19 1 19 1 32 1 10 53 1 321 92 6 24 1 44 I1 613 61 45 4 32 2 250 19 18 22 16 8V4 25 44 11 the market High 58 19 59 93 1057 X918 130 530 676 175 805 Boston: 864 537 712 5 79 POOR 500 STOCK INDEX High Low 1 lose 12017 11842 12017 3578 3548 3578 5360 5316 5360 10714 10567 10714 lust 1 Cust 2 (IB 4 lust 1 1 Cust 2 Lusts 1 c*nts a CuslS 3 Cull 4 Apollo Pularb Knkkrd Knlekr Gth Lndmk Gw Unox nd Lexington Group: Cp Ledra Growth Ilebrch Liberty Id LifelfUs Inv Llncln Cap Lina und Loomli Sayles unds (v) Hp iwv Mutual Lord Ahbell AffllaUi Am Bus Bond deb Lutheran Lulhrnlnc Mains unds: Cap Income Pilgrim Manhattn Mas Company rerdm Indepd Mass Mass rinanclal fives: Mil MIG MID MD MID Mate (v) Mather (v) Mid Amer MONY MSB und MulIBnGr I I Gro MOmahgh MOmahln MutShs (v) MutlTr (v) Natlnd (v) National Securities unds: Hiiianc Bond Dlvldnd Preferd Income Stock Grwth New Eng Life Equity Grwth Side A Mui NeuwCenl Neuwlrlh Newton New Persp New World NIc Str (V) Noeast (v) Oceang(v) Dmega 0 Nelli (v) 1 Will (v) Oppenheimer unds OppAim Opp nd Op Time OTCSecd Paramnl Paul Revr Pegasus PnMutl (v) Pen Sq (v) Phila und Pine St (v) Pine Tree i Pioneer unds Pion Ent Plonrd Plonr II Plannedln PLIG1W 1 Price Powe (v): Growth 18 19 14 1 10 52 45 5 371 1 6 1 1 51 58 100 1 7 2 37 1 492 581 10 28 2 101 1 29 8 13 297 119 01 137 MOST Sales Nt Mg 1110000 Ievltzrn 759009 Brunswick 726600 Texaco 648300 Am Airlines 609700 596400 I 589700 Exxon 546500 A wts 538800 Gulf OU 508100 Deere Co 502800 ord Gen Elec Branlff Air Mobil Oil Chrysler rU Nt Cy 412300 Colgte Pm x41 1700 Atl Rehfid 409800 Gen Motors 395900 1029 734 712 689 991 772 722 515 251 673 654 An expert once claimed lliol the Reno area had the "highest per capita consumption of waler in the country" True or not we do use a lot of water And value Ex dividend rEx rights Ex Dis trlbutlon a unds redemption price WEEK IN REVIEW By United Press International NEW YORK The week In review for the week ending July 20 1973: DOW JONES STOCK AVERAGES Open High Low lox Chr 89758 91090 89758 91090 241)1 16326 1681 16288 164 19 244 10139 10139 10094 101 016 27453 27738 27427 27738 553 This is why we cue now asking everyone to help save water in every way possible Please start by watering your lawn and shrubs only on alternate days Try to avoid watering when a strong wind blows Tiy to limit the time your water runs to prevent it flooding in the streets and gutters If possible install an automatic sprinkling system it saves you work and saves water too It also en ables you to water in early dawn when the pressures are at their highest Try it our use of water has given us a green many beautiful homesites Now we arc feeling a pinch at Pyramid Lake and allon areas If our keeps growing we will feel it here in the Truckee Meadows too Sn it seems only practical to use water wisely to avoid liahits which tend to waste our water supply its r'" I AU i s' I Alt A A Ni 1 I 1132 11 1132 40 083 923 983 79 848 815 848 16 392 400 11 844 825 844 28 1052 1033 1052 36 1080 1070 1080 10 855 822 855 48 1528 1512 1526 29 1110 1088 1110 39 806 801 805 05 988 978 988 24 10 9 V) 1030 1027 989 1027 53 708 688 708 25 1254 1253 1254 02 833 8 22 833 16 229 2 23 229 10 854 8 40 854 19 9 02 874 902 43 1706 16 83 1697 21 1642 1 824 1642 34 1074 1043 1074 45 29 85 2878 2985 155 457 443 457 18 339 330 339 16 870 80 670 11 691 847 691 64 8 24 803 824 31 9 32 881 932 58 1261 1237 1261 37 991 962 9 91 41 1358 1310 13 58 66 329 321 3 29 10 ft 80 549560 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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.